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London train station departure boards

UK station departure boards

We've put together a list of UK stations, each with its own link and QR code. But when is this useful for passengers? And how does it work?
March 18, 2022

We’ve been thinking…how will passengers reach their train on time if all the usual travel information is suddenly lost? For instance, how will we find out whether or not our train is delayed if departure screens are shut down? 

Although it's highly unlikely that we'll experience a cyberattack on our train stations or transport operations, it's still best to be prepared. That's why we've created a solution that will keep people moving.

By allocating a unique QR code and link to every station in the UK, we’ve given passengers the ability to check live departures and watch their regular journeys directly through Messenger.

Available through National Rail Enquiries and local train operators, a system like this enables passengers to check live departures, watch their regular journeys and keep an eye on any travel disruption. Although this project has been created at speed to form an easy onboarding solution for passengers, we will be soon be expanding it out to WhatsApp channels, as well as improving the overall user experience within the channel.

How does it work?

To get started, you can access our train station index here, which lists every station in the UK with an allocated QR code and link. The rest is simple! After looking up your station, each unique QR code gives you the opportunity to access simple, personalised travel information - without downloading an app. From disruption alerts and busyness data to departure times and multi-leg journey planning, you’ll have it all at your fingertips.